If any of the slaves are already managed by the geometry manager then any unspecified options for them retain their previous values rather than receiving default values.
It is an error if any slave covers an area already covered by an existing slave of the grid.
To compute the minimum size of a layout, the grid geometry manager first looks at all slaves whose columnspan and rowspan values are one, and computes the nominal size of each row or column to be either the minsize for that row or column, or the sum of the padding plus the size of the largest slave, whichever is greater. Then the slaves whose rowspans or columnspans are greater than one are examined. If a group of rows or columns need to be increased in size in order to accommodate these slaves, then extra space is added to each row or column in the group according to its weight. For each group whose weights are all zero, the additional space is apportioned equally.
For masters whose size is larger than the requested layout, the additional space is apportioned according to the row and column weights. If all of the weights are zero, the layout is centered within its master. For masters whose size is smaller than the requested layout, space is taken away from columns and rows according to their weights. However, once a column or row shrinks to its minsize, its weight is taken to be zero. If more space needs to be removed from a layout than would be permitted, as when all the rows or columns are at their minimum sizes, the layout is clipped on the bottom and right.
GRID(9 ) | Rev: Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023 |