If no -in, -after or -before option is specified then each of the slaves will be inserted at the end of the packing list for its parent unless it is already managed by the packer (in which case it will be left where it is). If one of these options is specified then all the slaves will be inserted at the specified point. If any of the slaves are already managed by the geometry manager then any unspecified options for them retain their previous values rather than receiving default values.
The packer arranges the slaves for a master by scanning the packing list in order. At the time it processes each slave, a rectangular area within the master is still unallocated. This area is called the cavity; for the first slave it is the entire area of the master.
For each slave the packer carries out the following steps:
Once a given slave has been packed, the area of its parcel is subtracted from the cavity, leaving a smaller rectangular cavity for the next slave. If a slave doesn't use all of its parcel, the unused space in the parcel will not be used by subsequent slaves. If the cavity should become too small to meet the needs of a slave then the slave will be given whatever space is left in the cavity. If the cavity shrinks to zero size, then all remaining slaves on the packing list will be unmapped from the screen until the master window becomes large enough to hold them again.
PACK(9 ) | Rev: Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023 |