aqua yellow red teal white fuchsia black blue darkblue transparent maroon gray green lime purple navy olive orangeFor RGB values, either #rgb or #rrggbb can be used, where r, rr, etc. are hexadecimal values for the corresponding colour components. The notation #rrggbbaa can be used to describe a colour with alpha (transparency) component aa; the rr, gg, and bb values should be pre-multiplied appropriately. This is the canonical form for colour values. Alternatively, transparency can be applied to any other colour using a suffix *alpha where alpha is either #aa (two hex digits representing an alpha value between 0 and 255) or f (a decimal fixed point number between 0 and 1). For example, red*0.5 gives half transparent red; #007f007f*#7f gives 0.75 transparent green (canonically #003f003f).
TYPES(9 ) | Rev: Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023 |