-activebackground -borderwidth -orient -background -jump -relief
A scrollbar is a widget that displays two arrows, one at each end of the scrollbar, and a slider in the middle portion of the scrollbar. It provides information about what is visible in an associated window that displays a document of some sort (such as a file being edited or a drawing). The position and size of the slider indicate which portion of the document is visible in the associated window. For example, if the slider in a vertical scrollbar covers the top third of the area between the two arrows, it means that the associated window displays the top third of its document.
Scrollbars can be used to adjust the view in the associated window by clicking or dragging with the mouse. See the BINDINGS section below for details.
pathName option ?arg arg ...?
SCROLLBAR(9 ) | Rev: Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023 |