hubshell attachstring
hubfs [ -Dt ] [ -q bytequantity ] [ -l maxmsglen ] [ -b bytespersecond ] [ -i mininterval ] [ -r resettime ] [ -a address ] [ -m mountpoint ] [ -s srvname ]
The base behavior of hub srvname is bimodal, and will function as either a client or server depending on whether /srv/srvname exists. If no name is provided, hub will create or attach to a /srv named /srv/hubfs containing a persistent rc(1) session. Thus, the simplest possible model of use is:
to start a hubfs hosted persistent rc(1) shell. Another invocation of
from any window with access to that /srv will connect to it. The -b flag to hub backgrounds the initially created rc(1) instead of attaching to it. The -t flag starts the hubfs in trunc mode, which means clients will not be sent the previously buffered data upon connection.
Hubfs can be used to provide general purpose pipes locally or across a network, with some special features. Most notably, echoing freeze to the ctl file will change the behavior of the hub files from pipe-like with blocking reads to simple static files that can be viewed and edited with normal tools. Writing melt to ctl will restore pipe-like behavior and resume the normal flow of data.
While connected via a hubshell input beginning with a %symbol will be checked for matching command strings. These commands are used to create new subshells within the hubfs session and move between them. A distinctive feature is the ability for remote clients to share a local shell with other clients of the hubfs. The %local NAME command does this. The more traditional mode of starting new shells on the remote host is done with the %remote NAME command. Note that 'remote' is the machine hosting the shell you are connected to currently, and the active hubs must be running a shell, not another application. %detach terminates the hubshell and returns control to the user's original shell.
start and connect to a new hubfs and post /srv/aug5
hub aug5
connects a new client to the rc shell started by the previous command
hub aug5
start and connects to new rc named rctwo within the aug5 hubfs
hub aug5 rctwo
Making new shells and moving in hubshell:
-all commands begin with '%' as first character-
%detach # disconnect from attached shell
%remote NAME # start shell on remote machine
%local NAME # start shell on local machine shared to hubfs
%attach NAME # move to an existing hubfs shell
%err TIME, %in TIME, %out TIME # time in ms for delay loop
%status # basic hubfs connection info
%list # lc of connected hubfs hubs
%fear # paranoid mode, %calm to return to normal operation
%trunc # don't send buffered data, %notrunc reactivates
%echoes # turn on echo flush, %unecho to turn off
%fortun # turn on fortune flush, %unfort to deactivate
echo eof >/n/hubfs/ctl # send eof to all readers on all hubs
echo eof NAME >/n/hubfs/ctl # send eof to the named hub
echo freeze >/n/hubfs/ctl # freeze Hubs as static files
echo melt >/n/hubfs/ctl # resume normal flow of data
echo fear >/n/hubfs/ctl # paranoid, writers wait for readers
echo calm >/n/hubfs/ctl # resume non-paranoid mode
echo trunc >/n/hubfs/ctl # don't send buffered data
echo notrunc >/n/hubfs/ctl # send buffer to new clients
echo quit >/n/hubfs/ctl # kill the fs
In the standard mode of use for interactive rc shells, the synchronization between stdout and stderr is not maintained. The symptom is prompts appearing in seemingly the wrong place. To fix this, enter a command like %err 300 to set 300 milliseconds of delay before data from stderr is printed.
Because hubfs maintains static buffers and always allows clients to write to avoid loss of interactivity, slow readers may experience data loss while reading output larger than the size of the static buffer if the output was also transmitted fast enough to "wrap around" the location of the reader in the data buffer. The purpose of "paranoid" mode is to restrict the speed of writers if this is a concern. Another option is to make use of the rate-limiting options to throttle the speed of writes.
"Doug had for years and years, and he talked to us continually about it, a notion of interconnecting computers in grids, and arrays, very complex, and there were always problems in his proposals. That what you would type would be linear and what he wanted was three-dimensional, n-dimensional...I mean he wanted just topological connection of programs and to build programs with loops and and horrid things. He had such grandiose ideas and we were saying, the complexity you're generating just can't be fathomed. You don't sit down and you don't type these kind of connections together. And he persisted with the grandiose ideas where you get into Kirchoff's law problems...what happens if you have a feedback loop and every program doubles the number of characters, it reads one and writes two? It's got to go somewhere - synchronization - there's just no way to implement his ideas and we kept trying to pare him down and weed him down and get something useful and distill it. What was needed, was real ideas...and there were constant discussions all through this period, and it hit just one night, it just hit, and they went in instantly."
~Ken Thompson on UNIX pipes' origins
HUBFS(4 ) | Rev: Thu Jul 20 06:12:04 GMT 2023 |