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srv - server registry


bind #s [ spec ] /chan

sys->bind("#sspec", "/chan", Sys->MREPL);


Srv converts between file system operations by applications and messages on channels, as described in sys-file2chan(2). Each attach that does not include a spec produces a new instance: an empty directory owned by the current user in which only files may be created, and then only by sys-file2chan, using a special internal interface. Each such file initially has the same owner as the directory, and permissions 8r600 (read-write for the owner only), but the permissions can be changed by Sys->wstat (see sys-stat(2)) and thus chmod(1). If mode Sys->DMEXCL is thereby set, the file becomes exclusive-use and can be opened by only one process at a time. The file length and mode bit Sys->DMAPPEND may also be set by wstat but are not interpreted by the system.

Files may be removed, directly using sys-remove(2) (and thus rm(1)), or indirectly by opening them with mode Sys->ORCLOSE (see sys-open(2)). File2chan also removes the corresponding file when the last references to the server's read and write channels have gone (eg, on server exit).

A spec may be given to name specific instances of srv, so that a new name space can bind in a service created in another. Only the owner (original creator) of the instance may attach to it, unless the mode of the service directory is changed using Sys->wstat (see sys-stat(2)) to have general access.


directory to which srv is conventionally bound by various applications




plumb(1), wm(1), sys-file2chan(2)

SRV(3 ) Rev:  Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023