include "smtp.m"; smtp := load Smtp Smtp->PATH; open: fn(server: string): (int, string); sendmail: fn(fromwhom: string, towhom: list of string, cc: list of string, msg: list of string): (int, string); close: fn(): (int, string);
Open opens a connection to the given SMTP server. If server is nil, open uses the default mail server $smtp, which must be defined in ndb(6). It returns -1 and an error message if the connection fails.
Sendmail sends mail to the SMTP server for subsequent delivery. The first argument names the sender, the list towhom names the recipients, cc is a list of CC's, and msg has the text of the message. The latter may simply be a list of one item containing the whole message, a list of lines of the message or any intermediate format. It returns -1 and an error message on failure.
Close closes the connection to the SMTP server.
SMTP(2 ) | Rev: Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023 |