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sendmail - send mail messages


sendmail [ recipient ... ]


Sendmail sends mail to each recipient named as an argument. It reads its standard input to get the text of the message. If no recipient is named, the recipient(s) will be taken from the message header.

The mail message is scanned for lines beginning `From:', `To:' and `Cc:'.
If no `from' line is found, the sender is assumed to be the current user. The recipient(s) of the message can be mentioned as arguments or in a list of names in a `To:' line but not as both. If the sender's name is unqualified (is just a user name), sendmail appends the value of the environment variable DOMAIN.

Sendmail delivers the mail using the module smtp(2), which connects to a mail server running the Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP), using the symbolic host name $MAILSERVER (see db(6)).




smtp(2), db(6)

SENDMAIL(1 ) Rev:  Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023