Once started, session presents a heirarchical view of currently registered resources (such as grid-ns(1)) that serve name spaces using 9P. (See intro(5) for a description of the protocol.) The top level displays the type of resource, for instance 'CPUresource', whilst the second level shows the name of each individual resource. Descending futher down the tree will reveal the attributes of the selected resource. To mount a resource and see the namespace it exports, click mouse button 3 on the resource name. The view will switch to a split pane view displaying the resource namespace with directories listed on the left and all files in the current directory displayed on the right.
Clicking mouse button 3 on a file or directory will cause it to be added to the command or namespace list at the bottom of the window. Mouse button 3 is again used on items in either of these lists to display a menu containing the name of the resource on which they are located as well as the option to remove them. The Cmd and Ns buttons located at the top of the window toggle the view between the selected commands and the selected namespace. The Resources button returns to the initial view containing the currently registered resources and Refresh updates the list in case any resources have been added or removed.
A given directory can only be imported once so it is not possible, for example, to import /usr/inferno from two different machines. Session will automatically import the directories containing each of the selected commands but any others required must be explicitly imported. For example: If one of the commands is:
/usr/inferno/runme.dis -f /appl/lib
Session will import /usr/inferno/ but /appl/lib would have to be specified in the namespace list.
Once the required grid-cpu(4) resources have been selected, click Ok and execution will commence.
GRID-SESSION(1 ) | Rev: Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023 |