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grid: query - graphical interface to view resources registered with a known registry(4)




Query displays the resources currently registered with a given registry(4) and allows the user to mount and browse through the namespaces they provide.

Resource categories are displayed in the main window, opening any of these (by clicking on the '+' next to the name) will reveal the names of the individual resources within that category. Each resource has a set of attributes which may be viewed at the lowest level of the displayed tree. Clicking on a specific resource and clicking the Mount button that appears will mount that resource (if possible) and display the imported namespace in a new window. From this window, the user can then browse this namespace as well as opening and running files. A shell window may also be opened to allow more complicated tasks to be performed.

Clicking Search brings up a search window. Here, the current registry(4) may be searched for a resource containing the specified attribute names and values. Refresh updates the list of resources in the main window in case any have been added or removed.




Currently, searching for a resource on a registry(4) is only implemented in a very simple way. Given the attribute (name, value) pairs, the search will return all resources whose attributes exactly match the specified values. * may be used to match any attribute value but not name.


grid-localreg(1), registries(2), registry(4)

GRID-QUERY(1 ) Rev:  Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023