Resource categories are displayed in the main window, opening any of these (by clicking on the '+' next to the name) will reveal the names of the individual resources within that category. Each resource has a set of attributes which may be viewed at the lowest level of the displayed tree. Clicking on a specific resource and clicking the Mount button that appears will mount that resource (if possible) and display the imported namespace in a new window. From this window, the user can then browse this namespace as well as opening and running files. A shell window may also be opened to allow more complicated tasks to be performed.
Clicking Search brings up a search window. Here, the current registry(4) may be searched for a resource containing the specified attribute names and values. Refresh updates the list of resources in the main window in case any have been added or removed.
GRID-QUERY(1 ) | Rev: Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023 |