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shttpd - HTTP server


ip/shttpd [ -dh ] [ -A path realm user:pass ] [ -C cachesecs ] [ -L listpath 0|1 ] [ -a addr ] [ -c path command methods ] [ -f ctlchan ] [ -i indexfile ] [ -l logfile ] [ -n config ] [ -r pathre dest ] [ -s path addr methods ] [ -t extension mimetype ] [ -z gzippath ] webroot


Shttpd is an HTTP server that supports most of the reasonable features of contemporary http servers:

http/1.0 and http/1.1 support

cgi and scgi support

directory listings

index file serving

redirections based on regular expressions

virtual hosting

determining mimetype based on file extension

"range" requests, for random access to files

access and error logging

configuration in attrdb format

as compliant as possible, where reasonable

mindful of security

Shttpd serves files from webroot. Options, described below, configure all features except virtual hosting. For virtual hosting, a configuration file must be used and the command-line options will only apply to the "default" hostname (i.e. all besides those explicitly configured). The configuration file, specified using -n config is in attrdb(6) format. It is read only at startup and at explicit request. The attributes are described below, with their corresponding command-line options. An example configuration file:


mime    ext=.text       type='text/plain; charset=utf-8'
mime    ext=.mov        type='video/quicktime'
mime    ext=.erl        type='text/plain; charset=utf-8'

# port=80 is not necessary, it's the default
host=www.example.com port=80
        listings	path=''
        index   file=index.html file=index.htm file=index.txt
        redir   src='^/oldfile$'        dst=/newfile
        redir   src='^/oldpath/(.*)$'   dst=/newpath/$1
        scgi    path=/scgi/test         addr=net!localhost!4000
        cgi     path=/cgi/env           methods=GET,HEAD cmd='{load std; echo Status: 200 OK; echo content-type: text/plain; echo; cd /env && for(i in *) { echo $i''=''`{cat $i}}}'
        auth    path=/secret   realm='secret place'    user=username pass=password

        host=example.com port=80 usehost=www.example.com useport=80

The options and their configuration file equivalents:

Print debug messages to standard error and the error log, /services/logs/shttpderror. Attributes `debug' and `nodebug' enable and disable debugging. Due to attrdb, `nodebug' always takes precedence regardless of position in file.
Serve multiple domains, known as virtual hosting. The `host'-header in the request (for http/1.1-only) selects the targeted host. If enabled, the host and TCP port in the request are looked up in the configuration, and files are served from webroot/host!port. Note that the port is not taken from the `host'-header, but always from the local port of the connection. If no configuration could be found or when no specific host was requested (e.g. for http/1.0 requests), the default configuration will be used: host `_default' and port 80. Files in webroot are never served directly with -h present. Attributes `vhost' and `novhost' enable and disable virtual hosting. Due to attrdb, `novhost' always takes precedence regardless of position in file.
Virtual hosts can only be specified with the configuration file. A `host' entry starts a configuration for a domain, attribute `port' is optional and defaults to 80. The value for `host' may be `*'. In this case the entry will serve as default entry, used when no other entry matches an incoming request. A host configuraty entry can be reused for another host by an entry with attribute `alias' (value ignored). Attributes `host' and `port' specify the new host, attributes `usehost' and `useport' specify which entry to use for requests instead. `Port' may be omitted, defaulting to `80'. `Usehost' defaults to the value of `port'.
-L path 0|1
For path and its subdirectories, set whether the request for a directory returns a html-formatted listing of files (when the second parameter is `1'), or a "file not found"-error (when the second parameter is `0'). Listings are only returned when no index file (see -i) The per-host configuration attributes are `listings' and `nolistings' (value ignored). One or more paths can be specified using the attribute `path'. In determining whether to list directory contents, the most specific match (longest prefix) wins.
-A path realm user:pass
Require authorization for path. The match on path is a prefix-match. Note that the path does not have to end with a slash. Only insecure "basic" authorization is currently supported, "digest" is not. The per-host configuration attribute is `auth' (value ignored). `Path' specifies the path, `realm' the descriptive realm, `user' the user name and `pass' the password. Paths may occur multiple times in different `auth'-lines, each valid user/pass combination is allowed access.
-C cachesecs
Add header to allow clients to keep the response in their cache for cachesecs seconds. This only applies to static content (i.e. files and directory listings) not cgi and scgi handlers. The per-host configuration attribute is cachesecs.
-a address
Announce to address and listen for incoming connection. The global configuration attribute is `announce', the value is the address to listen on. For a reload of the configuration attributes, the announce-addresses are ignored. To announce to a different set of ports, restart shttpd. If no addresses are specified, shttpd will listen on net!*!http.
-c path command methods
Handle requests for path by executing command. The normal CGI/1.1 rules apply for command. Path is prefix-matched and does not have to end with a slash. Command is executed using sh(2). Methods is a comma- or space-separated list of methods (case-sensitive) that are allowed on the resource. An empty list allows all methods. The per-host configuration attribute is `cgi' (value ignored). `Path' specifies the host, `cmd' the command and `methos' the methods.
-f ctlchan
Create a sys-file2chan(2) control file in /chan named ctlchan. Currently, only the command `reload' is accepted. It reloads the configuration file currently in use. This is a global configuration file option, the corresponding attribute is `ctlchan'. Only a single control file can be registered.
-i indexfile
Search for the file named indexfile when a directory is requested and return that instead. This is commonly used to serve an `index.html'. Multiple file names can be specified, each will be tried in turn until a match is found. The per-host configuration attribute is `index' (value ignored). Multiple attributes `file' can be specified, each being handled as -i indexfile.
-l logfile
Write the access log to logfile. For each response, the following is printed (as a list of quoted words, quoted as in sh(1)): Connection id, timestamp, remote and local ip and port, method, requested host (from `host'-header), path (with query), http version, response code, message and length, the user-agent that sent the request, the referer and finally the domain name for the ip address. The global configuration attribute is `accesslog'. The file is also reopened on a reload of the configuration file.
-n config
Use config of the configuraton file, which is in attrdb(6) format. There is no default configuration file. The command-line options can be used for simple configurations. Since command-line options are handled in the order specified and -n overrides the current configuration, command-line options specified before -n are effectively ignored. Options specified after -n are used for the `default' host. Note that a reload also replaces all command-line options. There is no equivalent for the configuration file. Be sure to use full path names on the command-line if you want reloads to work.
-r pathre dest
Redirect requests that match regular expression pathre to dest with an HTTP ``301 Moved Permanently'' response. Pathre can contain groups, specified with ()'s as per regex(6) syntax. Occurrences of $0, $1, etc. in dest are replaced by the corresponding group in pathre. Group `$0' is the entire match and `$1' the first match. Occurrences of `$$' will be replaced by the literal `$'. For pathre, `^' means beginning of path and `$' means end of path. The per-host configuration attribute is `redir' (value ignored). `Src' is the equivalent of pathre, `dst' the equivalent of dest.
-s path addr methods
Handle requests for path by passing the requests to the SCGI handler at addr. Path is prefix-matched and need not end with a slash. Methods is a comma- or space-separated list of methods (case-sensitive) that are allowed on the resource. An empty list allows all methods. The per-host configuration attribute is `scgi' (value unused). `Path' specifies the path, `addr' the address and `methods' the methods.
-t extension mimetype
Registers extension (which is suffix-matched and thus should usually include a dot) as being of mimetype. For each response returning a static file, the mimetype to be returned is looked up in the types specified by -t and compiled-in types, in that order. The global configuration attribute is `mime' (value unused). `Ext' specifies the extension, `type' the mimetype.
-z gzippath
For a requested path starting with gzippath, return the gzip-compressed version path.gz instead. Path.gz is only returned if it exists and is smaller than the plain version, and path was not modified after path.gz. The per-host configuration attribute is `gzip' (value unused), one or more `path' attributes specify the paths.

There is one last per-host configuration attribute that cannot be specified on the command-line: `listen' (value unused). On the same line, `ip' should be present and `port' may be present (it defaults to the port of the host definition). If virtual hosts are enabled, the local address is checked for each request. If at least one ip address has been specified and the local address is not present in the addresses list of the per-host configuration for the request, a ``404 Object Not Found'' error is returned.

To prevent files to be served to the public inadvertently, the root directory of the shttpd is replaced by webroot with sys-bind(2). Also, suspicious combinations of headers are typically responded to with an error. This policy may err on the cautious side. For example, some important headers are not allowed to be specified twice. Note that CGI programs run in the namespace shttpd had originally been started with.




attrdb(6), regex(6)

SCGI protocol: http://python.ca/scgi/protocol.txt
RFC1945: "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.0"
RFC2616: "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1"


Attrdb was not designed for configuration file use. The per-host configuration attributes can not be nicely grouped as top-level entries can. No line numbers are printed for errors.

Usernames and passwords should be read from factotum and not be sent in the clear.

Incompatibilities with the rfcs:
* If the `host'-header references a non-existing domain name and virtual hosting is enabled, shttpd responds with `404 Object Not Found', instead of the rfc2626-required `400 Bad Request'.
* For http/1.0 requests, the `host'-header is also used.
* Only a single format of dates is understood, three are specified (but deprecated). Shttpd returns an error when a date that can not be parsed might result in incorrect behaviour (rather can only being less efficient, e.g. in the context of caching).

SHTTPD(8 ) Rev:  Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023