Rip serves the network on mntpt (default: /net). When it starts, rip learns its own interfaces and directly attached networks by reading mntpt/ipifc, and notes any routes currently in mntpt/iproute.
By default, rip neither broadcasts routes nor replies to requests for its route table. If the -b option is given, rip periodically broadcasts changes to its routing table to each of its interfaces. If at least one explicit net address is given, the broadcasts are restricted to just the interfaces listed (and -b is implied).
The -d option causes routed to record changes it makes to the routing tables. This can be helpful when locating misleading announcements from rogue gateways. A second -d will include detailed information about every packet. The -n option tells rip not to change the local routing table, but only say what changes it would have made.
Rip understands both version1 and version 2 of the protocol, and interprets updates from gateways appropriately. By default, it transmits updates using version 1; if the -2 option is given, it uses version 2 instead, which is preferable when the network has subnets.
RIP(8 ) | Rev: Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023 |