dsagen [ -t tag ]
rsagen [ -b nbits ] [ -t tag ]
Ai2key converts the original Inferno representation of authentication data, in the format defined for authinfo by keytext(6), to an attribute-value format accepted by factotum(4) for the infauth authentication protocol. For each keyfile it writes a single line on standard output, containing the following fields:
key proto=infauth [ tag ] sigalg=pkalg-hashalg [ dom=host ] server=host [ service=svc ] user=name signer=name pk=pk !sk=sk spk=pk cert=cert dh-alpha=hex dh-p=hex
The key is tagged by one or more of dom, server and service, derived from the file name keyfile. The server is `*' if keyfile is default. Otherwise keyfile has the form
and server and service are set accordingly; dom is set if host looks like a domain name. Key and certificate values have the form defined in keytext(6); hex is a large number in hexadecimal.
Dsagen prints a randomly-generated DSA private key using the NIST-recommended algorithm. If tag text is specified, it is printed after the proto attribute-value pair. Typically, tag is a sequence of attribute-value comments describing the key. A DSA key has the following attributes
Rsagen prints a randomly generated RSA private key whose n has exactly nbits (default 1024) significant bits. The key has the following attributes:
All the numbers in dsagen and rsagen output are in hexadecimal except RSA's size, which is decimal. A public key omits the attributes beginning with ! . A key may have other attributes as well, for example a service attribute identifying how this key is typically used, but to these utilities such attributes are merely comments. They can be provided in a tag argument.
AI2KEY(8 ) | Rev: Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023 |