Source may be either a command or the name of a directory. If source is surrounded by braces ({ and }), it is invoked as a sh(1) command, and its standard input (sic) is posted as Plan 9 service /srv/srvname with permissions perm (default: mode 600). Otherwise, source is taken to be a directory that is the root of a name space to export to Plan 9, an exporting file service is started (see sys-export(2)), and again posted as Plan 9 service /srv/srvname, and the export terminates when the Plan 9 service file has been removed and the last mounted instance goes away in Plan 9.
bind -c '#₪' /srv # if not already done 9srvfs infenv /env
The name space can then be mounted in Plan 9, allowing variables to be read and written in that Inferno environment:
mount -c /srv/infenv /n/ftp ls /n/ftp cat /n/ftp/emuargs echo masked man >/n/ftp/zorro
/man/4/9srvfs(4) | Rev: Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023 |