bind -a '#T' /dev /dev/touchcal /dev/touchctl /dev/touchstat /dev/touch
There are two variants of the driver. One drives a DynaPro touch panel on a York Electronics Centre BRD/98/024 interface (Version A) accessed via the Motorola MPC8xx SPI interface. The other drives a different pressure-sensitive touch panel on a webphone reference design.
The driver initialisation starts a kernel process to read samples from the touch screen and provide them to the system through the interface used for mouse events. The events generated mark `mouse button' 1 as down as long as the panel is touched and up otherwise. Other `mouse buttons' are always up. This is adequate for many applications (but not acme(1)).
The data file touch is read-only. Each read samples the touch panel and returns two decimal numbers, separated by a space, giving the x and y coordinates read. The values are both -1 if a consistent reading could not be made. This file is used only for debugging; the window system should not be running.
The control file touchctl accepts commands to set driver parameters:
The values are fixed-point: 1.0 is represented by 2ud.
Reads of touchctl return all current parameters in the same form as the commands (allowing settings to be read from the file and later restored by simply writing them back).
The read-only file touchstat contains four decimal values separated by spaces or newlines: the number of raw samples, the number of valid samples, microseconds waiting for samples, and microseconds spent processing samples.
The SA1100 driver provides a file /dev/touchcal that holds the calibration results as a set of decimal numbers for each of the four sample points, one set per line. The results can be saved and written back to restore the same calibration.
TOUCH(3 ) | Rev: Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023 |