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nacl - a new easy-to-use high-speed software library for network communication, encryption, decryption, signatures, etc.


crypto_box_keypair generate a secret key and a corresponding public key crypto_box pk sk m n encrypt and authenticate a message m from secret key sk to public key pk using nonce n for algorithm randomization. crypto_box_open pk sk c n decrypt and verify a message c from the public key pk using nonce n for algorithm randomization. crypto_sign_keypair generate a new keypair for asymmetric signing. crypto_sign sign a message m from secret key sk to the general public. crypto_sign_open decrypt and verify a message sm from the public key pk to the general public. crypto_secretbox crypto_secretbox_open crypto_stream crypto_stream_xor crypto_auth crypto_auth_verify crypto_onetimeauth crypto_onetimeauth_verify crypto_hash



NACL(3) Rev:  Sun Aug 06 20:21:35 GMT 2023