The control file mpegctl when read returns lines of text giving the device's properties. Each line starts video or audio followed by a list of capabilities. The current device returns a fixed set:
video mpeg1,sif audio musicam,I musicam,II
The control file accepts the following commands:
The data file mpeg is an exclusive-use device. Once the device has been initialised and an output window set using the init and window commands to the control file, and an audio format selected by the audio command, MPEG data can be written in the agreed format to the mpeg file, for display in the output window. The driver buffers the data written and implements flow control between application and the hardware. When closed, the device waits for the last block of data to display before returning to the application.
MPEG(3 ) | Rev: Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023 |