include "xml.m"; xml := load Xml Xml->PATH; Parser, Item, Locator, Attributes, Mark: import xml; init: fn(): string; open: fn(f: string, warning: chan of (Locator, string), preelem: string): (ref Parser, string); fopen: fn(iob: ref Bufio->Iobuf, f: string, warning: chan of (Locator, string), preelem: string): (ref Parser, string); Parser: adt { fileoffset: int; next: fn(p: self ref Parser): ref Item; down: fn(p: self ref Parser); up: fn(p: self ref Parser); mark: fn(p: self ref Parser): ref Mark; atmark: fn(p: self ref Parser, m: ref Mark): int; goto: fn(p: self ref Parser, m: ref Mark); str2mark: fn(p: self ref Parser, s: string): ref Mark; }; Item: adt { fileoffset: int; pick { Tag => name: string; attrs: Attributes; Text => ch: string; ws1: int; ws2: int; Process => target: string; data: string; Doctype => name: string; public: int; params: list of string; Stylesheet => attrs: Attributes; Error => loc: Locator; msg: string; } }; Locator: adt { line: int; systemid: string; publicid: string; }; Attribute: adt { name: string; value: string; }; Attributes: adt { all: fn(a: self Attributes): list of Attribute; get: fn(a: self Attributes, name: string): string; }; Mark: adt { offset: int; str: fn(m: self ref Mark): string; };
Once an XML document has been opened, the following Parser methods may be used to examine the items contained within:
The attribute-value pairs in Tag and Stylesheet items are held in an Atttributes adt, say a. A.all() yields a list holding all the attributes; a.get(name) yields the value of the attribute name.
The location returned when an error is reported is held inside a Locator adt, which holds the line number on which the error occurred, the ``system id'' of the document (in this implementation, its file name), and the "public id" of the document (not currently used).
A Mark m may be converted to a string with m.str(); this enables marks to be written out to external storage, to index a large XML document, for example. Note that if the XML document changes, any stored marks will no longer be valid.
``Navigating Large XML Documents on Small Devices'' in Volume 2.
XML(2 ) | Rev: Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023 |