include "translate.m"; translate := load Translate Translate->PATH; Dict: adt { new: fn(): ref Dict; add: fn(d: self ref Dict, file: string): string; xlate: fn(d: self ref Dict, s: string): string; xlaten: fn(d: self ref Dict, s: string, note: string): string; }; init: fn(); opendict: fn(file: string): (ref Dict, string); opendicts: fn(files: list of string): (ref Dict, string); mkdictname: fn(locale, app: string): string;
Init should be called before using any of these functions.
Opendict opens a dictionary file (of the format defined below) and returns a tuple: a reference to a Dict that represents it and a diagnostic string (which is nil if no error occurred). Opendicts is similar, but loads each of the files in turn into the same Dict, producing a composite dictionary in which translations in later files can override translations in earlier ones; the diagnostic string summarises all errors (if any).
Mkdictname returns the conventional name of a dictionary file given locale and application names. The locale is normally nil to use the current locale, which is formed by binding the desired locale directory (or directories) onto /lib/locale. returns an empty dictionary. Dict.add loads the given dictionary file into an existing dictionary, returning a non-nil diagnostic string on error. Translations are made by Dict.xlate and Dict.xlaten: they look for a string s (eg, text in one language), optionally qualified by a note, and return the corresponding translation text from the dictionary. If no such translation exists, they return the original text s.
include "translate.m"; translate: Translate; Dict: import translate; dict: ref Dict; X(s: string): string { if(dict == nil) return s; return dict.xlate(s); } init(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string) { ... translate = load Translate Translate->PATH; if(translate != nil){ translate->init(); (dict, nil) = translate->opendict( translate->mkdictname("", "vmail")); } ... optioncfg := array [] of { "frame .op -relief flat -borderwidth 8", "frame .op.lbs", "label .op.lbs.a -text {" + X("Voice Mail Active") + ":}", "label .op.lbs.g -text {" + X("Answer Calls With") + ":}", "label .op.lbs.r -text {" + X("Rings before Answering") + ":}", "label .op.lbs.l -text {" + X("Length of Incoming Messages") + ":}}", ... }; ... wmlib->tkcmds(top, optioncfg); }
The intermediate function X is defined to allow the program to be used (albeit with text in English) even when the Translate module cannot be loaded.
TRANSLATE(2 ) | Rev: Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023 |