include "pop3.m"; pop3 := load Pop3 Pop3->PATH; open: fn(user, password, server: string): (int, string); stat: fn(): (int, string, int, int); msglist: fn(): (int, string, list of (int, int)); msgnolist: fn(): (int, string, list of int); top: fn(m: int): (int, string, string); get: fn(m: int): (int, string, string); delete: fn(m: int): (int, string); close: fn(): (int, string);
Open opens a connection to a POP3 server, logging in as the specified user with the given password. If server is nil, open uses $pop3, which must be defined in ndb(6). The remaining functions assume a successfully opened connection.
Stat returns the status of the user's mailbox. The third element of its return tuple is the number of messages and the fourth is the total number of bytes in the messages.
Msglist lists the user's mailbox. The third element in its return tuple gives a list of pairs of numbers comprising (message number, bytes in message).
Msgnolist lists the user's mailbox as above but omits the bytes in each message.
Top returns the top of message m.
Get returns the full text of message m.
Delete deletes message m.
Close closes the connection to the POP3 server. Note that subsequent reconnections to the server may renumber the messages in the mail box and will certainly do so if the last connection deleted messages.
Note also that a connection is static in the sense that mail messages entering the server during a connection will not be accessible. A reconnection is needed to see newly arrived messages.
POP3(2 ) | Rev: Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023 |