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Math: export_int, export_real, export_real32, import_int, import_real, import_real32 - conversion to and from external representation


include "math.m";
math := load Math Math->PATH;

export_int:    fn(b: array of byte, x: array of int);
export_real32: fn(b: array of byte, x: array of real);
export_real:   fn(b: array of byte, x: array of real);

import_int:    fn(b: array of byte, x: array of int);
import_real32: fn(b: array of byte, x: array of real);
import_real:   fn(b: array of byte, x: array of real);


These routines convert between Limbo's internal representation of integer and floating-point values, and equivalent external representations as arrays of bytes, allowing efficient input/output of binary representations.

Export_int(b, x) converts each integer element of array x into a sequence of 4 bytes in array b.

Export_real(b, x) converts each double-precision floating-point element of array x into a sequence of 8 bytes in array b.

Export_real32(b, x) converts each double-precision floating-point element of array x to a single-precision value, then encodes it as a sequence of 4 bytes in array b.

Each import_T operation reverses the transformation of the corresponding export_T operation, converting an array of bytes containing a sequence of external representations into an array of values of the appropriate internal form.

Values are encoded in big-endian order (most significant byte first), with floating-point values represented in IEEE 32-bit or 64-bit form (again, most significant byte first).





MATH-EXPORT(2 ) Rev:  Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023