include "itslib.m"; itslib := load Itslib Itslib->PATH; S_INFO: con 0; S_WARN: con 1; S_ERROR: con 2; S_FATAL: con 3; S_STIME: con 4; S_ETIME: con 5; ENV_VERBOSITY: con "ITS_VERBOSITY"; ENV_MFD: con "ITS_MFD"; Tconfig: adt { verbosity: int; mfd: ref Sys->FD; report: fn(t: self ref Tconfig, sev: int, verb: int, msg: string); done: fn(t: self ref Tconfig); }; init: fn(): ref Tconfig;
The module must first be initialised by calling init which returns an adt containing the verbosity setting specified for this test run, and the message file descriptor used to pass messages back to itest. These two items of information are passed to the test via the environment variables ITS_VERBOSITY and ITS_MFD.
implement T; include "sys.m"; sys: Sys; include "draw.m"; draw: Draw; include "itslib.m"; itslib: Itslib; Tconfig, S_INFO, S_WARN, S_ERROR, S_FATAL: import itslib; T: module { init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string); }; tconf: ref Tconfig; init(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string) { sys = load Sys Sys->PATH; itslib = load Itslib Itslib->PATH; if (itslib != nil) tconf = itslib->init(); report(S_INFO, 5, "Testing addition of 1 + 2"); x := 1 + 2; if (x == 3) report(S_INFO, 6, "Addition of 1 + 2 OK"); else report(S_ERROR, 5, sys->sprint("Addition of 1 + 2 gave %d", x)); } report(sev: int, verb: int, msg: string) { if (tconf != nil), verb, msg); else sys->print("%d:%s\n", sev, msg); }
ITSLIB(2 ) | Rev: Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023 |