include "filter.m"; deflate := load Filter Filter->DEFLATEPATH; inflate := load Filter Filter->INFLATEPATH; init: fn(); start: fn(param: string): chan of ref Rq;
Deflate implements gzip-compatible stream compression. The param string argument to start can contain one or more of the following option characters:
Inflate performs the inverse operation to deflate. If the param argument to start begins with the character `h' then the input to the filter is assumed to be in the standard gzip file format; if it starts with the character `z' it is assumed to be in zlib format; the output will be checked for integrity in both cases. While processing a gzip stream, the Rq.Info message is used to transmit some information; the type of information is determined by the first word of msg, as follows:
FILTER-DEFLATE(2 ) | Rev: Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023 |