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env - environment module


include "env.m";
env = load Env Env->PATH;

getenv: fn(var: string): string;
setenv: fn(var: string, val: string): int;
getall: fn(): list of (string, string);
clone:  fn(): int;
new:    fn(): int;


Env provides an interface to manipulate environment variables which may then be shared between processes. Getenv returns the value of the environment variable var passed as a parameter, or nil if the variable is not set. It does this by reading the contents of /env/var. Setenv sets the value of the environment variable var to val. The value may be nil to unset the variable. It does this by writing the string val to /env/var. The routine returns a negative number if it fails to set the variable for any reason. Getall returns all the variables in the current environment as a list of (variable, value) pairs. Clone copies the current environment and places the process in a new environment group. Changes now made to the environment will not affect the environment of other processes. New places the process in a new empty environment group. Changes made in this new environment will not affect other processes.




env(1), sys-pctl(2), env(3)

ENV(2 ) Rev:  Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023