include "encoding.m"; base16 := load Encoding Encoding->BASE16PATH; base32 := load Encoding Encoding->BASE32PATH; base32a := load Encoding Encoding->BASE32APATH; base64 := load Encoding Encoding->BASE64PATH; enc: fn(a: array of byte): string; dec: fn(s: string): array of byte
Enc returns a string with a textual encoding of the binary data in a.
Dec returns an array of bytes containing the binary data encoded in s.
Four encodings are provided, including all those defined by RFC3548; load the one required from the given path.
When decoding, white space and illegal characters are ignored; base 16 and base 32 decoders are case-insensitive.
ENCODING(2 ) | Rev: Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023 |