include "draw.m"; draw := load Draw Draw->PATH; # compositing operators SinD: con 1<<3; DinS: con 1<<2; SoutD: con 1<<1; DoutS: con 1<<0; S: con SinD|SoutD; SoverD: con SinD|SoutD|DoutS; SatopD: con SinD|DoutS; SxorD: con SoutD|DoutS; D: con DinS|DoutS; DoverS: con DinS|DoutS|SoutD; DatopS: con DinS|SoutD; DxorS: con DoutS|SoutD; Clear: con 0; Image: adt { r: Rect; clipr: Rect; chans: Chans; depth: int; repl: int; display: ref Display; screen: ref Screen; draw: fn(dst: self ref Image, r: Rect, src: ref Image, mask: ref Image, p: Point); drawop: fn(dst: self ref Image, r: Rect, src: ref Image, mask: ref Image, p: Point, op: int); gendraw: fn(dst: self ref Image, r: Rect, src: ref Image, p0: Point, mask: ref Image, p1: Point); gendrawop: fn(dst: self ref Image, r: Rect, src: ref Image, p0: Point, mask: ref Image, p1: Point, op: int); line: fn(dst: self ref Image, p0,p1: Point, end0,end1,thick: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point); lineop: fn(dst: self ref Image, p0,p1: Point, end0,end1,thick: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point, op: int); poly: fn(dst: self ref Image, p: array of Point, end0,end1,thick: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point); polyop: fn(dst: self ref Image, p: array of Point, end0,end1,thick: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point, op: int); bezspline: fn(dst: self ref Image, p: array of Point, end0,end1,thick: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point); bezsplineop: fn(dst: self ref Image, p: array of Point, end0,end1,thick: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point, op: int); fillpoly: fn(dst: self ref Image, p: array of Point, wind: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point); fillpolyop: fn(dst: self ref Image, p: array of Point, wind: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point, op: int); fillbezspline: fn(dst: self ref Image, p: array of Point, wind: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point); fillbezsplineop: fn(dst: self ref Image, p: array of Point, wind: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point, op: int); ellipse: fn(dst: self ref Image, c: Point, a, b, thick: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point); ellipseop: fn(dst: self ref Image, c: Point, a, b, thick: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point, op: int); fillellipse:fn(dst: self ref Image, c: Point, a, b: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point); fillellipseop:fn(dst: self ref Image, c: Point, a, b: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point, op: int); arc: fn(dst: self ref Image, c: Point, a, b, thick: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point, alpha, phi: int); arcop: fn(dst: self ref Image, c: Point, a, b, thick: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point, alpha, phi: int, op: int); fillarc: fn(dst: self ref Image, c: Point, a, b: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point, alpha, phi: int); fillarcop: fn(dst: self ref Image, c: Point, a, b: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point, alpha, phi: int, op: int); bezier: fn(dst: self ref Image, a,b,c,d: Point, end0,end1,thick: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point); bezierop: fn(dst: self ref Image, a,b,c,d: Point, end0,end1,thick: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point, op: int); fillbezier: fn(dst: self ref Image, a,b,c,d: Point, wind:int, src: ref Image, sp: Point); fillbezierop: fn(dst: self ref Image, a,b,c,d: Point, wind:int, src: ref Image, sp: Point, op: int); arrow: fn(a,b,c: int): int; text: fn(dst: self ref Image, p: Point, src: ref Image, sp: Point, font: ref Font, str: string): Point; textop: fn(dst: self ref Image, p: Point, src: ref Image, sp: Point, font: ref Font, str: string, op: int): Point; textbg: fn(dst: self ref Image, p: Point, src: ref Image, sp: Point, font: ref Font, str: string, bg: ref Image, bgp: Point): Point; textbgop: fn(dst: self ref Image, p: Point, src: ref Image, sp: Point, font: ref Font, str: string, bg: ref Image, bgp: Point, op: int): Point; border: fn(dst: self ref Image, r: Rect, i: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point); borderop: fn(dst: self ref Image, r: Rect, i: int, src: ref Image, sp: Point, op: int); readpixels: fn(src: self ref Image, r: Rect, data: array of byte): int; writepixels:fn(dst: self ref Image, r: Rect, data: array of byte): int; name: fn(im: self ref Image, s: string, in: int): int; top: fn(win: self ref Image); bottom: fn(win: self ref Image); flush: fn(win: self ref Image, func: int); origin: fn(win: self ref Image, log, scr: Point): int; };
An Image has a pixel channel structure as described in colour(6), represented by a value of the Chans adt, defined in draw-display(2). The channel structure of an image is fixed when the image is allocated.
Image has the following components:
T. Porter, T. Duff. ``Compositing Digital Images'', Computer Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), 18:3, pp. 253-259, 1984.
DRAW-IMAGE(2 ) | Rev: Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023 |