void* mallocz(ulong size, int clr)
void* smalloc(ulong size)
void* realloc(void *p, ulong size)
void* calloc(ulong n, ulong szelem)
void free(void *p)
Malloc returns a pointer to a block of at least size bytes, initialised to zero. The result is aligned on a 32-bit boundary. Mallocz is similar, but only clears the memory if clr is non-zero.
Smalloc returns a pointer to a block of size bytes, initialised to zero. If the memory is not immediately available, smalloc retries every 100 milliseconds until the memory is acquired.
Calloc returns a pointer to a block of memory of at least n*szelem bytes, initialised to zero.
Realloc changes the size of the block pointed to by p to size bytes, if possible without moving the data, and returns a pointer to the block. The contents are unchanged up to the lesser of old and new sizes, and any new space allocated is initialised to zero. If p is a null pointer, realloc returns the equivalent of malloc(size).
The argument to free is a pointer to a block of memory allocated by one of the routines above, which is returned to the allocation pool, or a null pointer, which is ignored.
MALLOC(10.2 ) | Rev: Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023 |