The `files' view shows the file names in the torrent, their size and their progress. The `peers' view shows most relevant information about connected peers: their upload/download rates, total amount of data transferred, their progress and their choked/interested state, the number of requests both sides have scheduled, the age of the connection, the `peer id' (which indicates which software the peer is using) and the ip address and port of the connection. The `badpeers' view lists peers that are currently not allowed to connect, typically because they exhibited (potentially) malicious behaviour.
The last three views, `torrentlog', `peerlog', and `errors' are for debugging. `Torrentlog' contains the lines read from torrent/peer's progress file, `peerlog' the lines from the peerevents file, and errors only the errors.
All views are updated when a change is read from the progress or peerevents file. The main and peers view are refreshed every 3 seconds as well. After setting a configuration option, a new value is read from torrent/peer.
WM-TORRENT(1 ) | Rev: Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023 |