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wm/torrent - graphical interface to torrent/peer


wm/torrent [ -d ] /mnt/torrent


Wm/torrent is a Tk interface to the styx file system exported by torrentpeer(4). It shows progress and the state of the transfer in various views. The main view has two bars that show availability of pieces, locally and distributed among the peers. It has buttons for starting and stopping the torrent/peer 's transfer, and a button that causes a new list of peers to be fetched (`track'). Progress and state is shown by an estimated time of arrival, number of bytes transferred and remaining, the current download and upload rate, the number and kind of peers connected, etc. It also has text fields with the configured maximum data exchange ratio, maximum bandwidth in both directions and maximum total amount in both directions. These values can be set by modifying the value and pressing return.

The `files' view shows the file names in the torrent, their size and their progress. The `peers' view shows most relevant information about connected peers: their upload/download rates, total amount of data transferred, their progress and their choked/interested state, the number of requests both sides have scheduled, the age of the connection, the `peer id' (which indicates which software the peer is using) and the ip address and port of the connection. The `badpeers' view lists peers that are currently not allowed to connect, typically because they exhibited (potentially) malicious behaviour.

The last three views, `torrentlog', `peerlog', and `errors' are for debugging. `Torrentlog' contains the lines read from torrent/peer's progress file, `peerlog' the lines from the peerevents file, and errors only the errors.

All views are updated when a change is read from the progress or peerevents file. The main and peers view are refreshed every 3 seconds as well. After setting a configuration option, a new value is read from torrent/peer.




torrentcreate(1), torrenttrack(1), torrentpeer(4).

WM-TORRENT(1 ) Rev:  Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023