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irc - graphical interface to the irc file system


wm/irc [ -ds ] [ -g width height ] [ -h histsize ] [ -r hlregex ] path ...


Wm/irc is a Tk interface to irc file systems, ircfs(4). The larger part of the window shows the communication of a channel or a user query. Such a channel or user query is called an irc directory in ircfs, and corresponds to a window in wm/irc. Below this main area, an input entry allows new text and commands to be sent. Atop the main window are a button to plumb the current text selection, a button to clear activity status for all windows, and a search input entry with buttons for searching the previous and next match. Left of these elements is a list with names of opened irc directories. Selecting one displays it on the main area. Text in the input entries and in the main text windows can be cut & pasted with mouse chording.

At startup, the paths given on the command-line are opened. Each path should adhere to the file system layout served by ircfs. All irc directories are opened as windows.

Wm/irc strips specials characters that cause colours and underlines to be displayed in other irc clients from the input. Only bold instructions are used, but drawn underlined. Instances of ircfs' nick are highlighted in yellow. Activity in a window is indicated in the list on the left, by a status character in front of the window name. The status is kept clear while a window is visible. The following status characters can appear, in decreasing priority:

Highlights and text in user queries.
Text in channels.
Meta information such as joins and topic changes.
Only for server status windows. Indicates a delay in the connection between wm/irc and ircfs, and/or between ircfs and its irc server.

Do not automatically add windows for all irc directories ircfs knows. By default, each directory is opened.
-g width height
Set the window size to width x height.
-h histsize
Do not read more than histsize bytes of backlog from ircfs when opening a new window. Useful on slow connections.
-r hlregex
Highlight text matches hlregex too. Can be specified multiple times. The own nick is always hightlighted.
Enable debugging output.

Commands can be entered in the input entry at the bottom of the screen. Lines starting with a slash are treated as commands. Lines starting with two slashes are treated as text with one slash removed. Wm/irc handles the command /win itself, all other commands are passed on the ctl file of the corresponding irc directory. See ircfs(4) for commands understood by ircfs. The parameters to /win are itself considered as a command:

exit or quit
Exit wm/irc. It does not issue a quit command to ircfs.
add path
Start serving the ircfs from mount point path. Unless -s was specified, a window is opened for each irc directory.
Remove all references (including windows) to the ircfs of the current window.
open id
Open the irc directory id of the ircfs of the current window, e.g. /mnt/irc/ircnet/id/.
Closes the current window. Note that it does not issue a part command to ircfs. Use ircfs's remove command to part the irc directory and afterwards close the window.
Clear the currently visible window.
List all irc directories exported by ircfs and whether they are open in wm/irc.
away msg
Marks user as away with msg on all servers. If msg is not present, the user is marked as present again.

Several shortcuts are available. Unless noted otherwise, they only work with the cursor in the input entry at the bottom.

^p and ^n
Show the previous or next window, the window above/below the one currently selected. Wraps to the bottom or top.
^z and ^x
Show the previous active window. Like ^p and ^n but selects the window with the highest status (highlight, text, meta).
Switch to the previously selected window again. Useful for switching between a newly activated window and the current one.
Switch focus to the find input entry.
^p and ^n
Find previous or next match. Works only with focus on the find input entry. Typing a newline starts a new search or clears a current one. Searching starts at the bottom of the window.
Switch focus to the text input entry. Works with focus on the list on the left, in the find entry and main window.
Page up and Page down
Scroll up/down in the text window.
Home and End
Scroll to start/end of the text window.
Complete the current word as a user name in a channel.


To start and mount a new ircfs and use it from wm/irc:
	mkdir -p /mnt/irc/freenode
	mount {ircfs freenode} /mnt/irc/freenode
	wm/irc /mnt/irc/freenode

	# now type this in the input entry at the bottom to connect as "inferno":
	/connect irc.freenode.net inferno

	# and to join a channel #inferno
	/join #inferno






Plumbing requires button.

Ircfs has no way of letting wm/irc know which data has been read before, e.g. by a recent invocation of wm/irc. At startup, wm/irc is likely to generate status changes (e.g. highlights) for events that have already been seen by the user.

WM-IRC(1 ) Rev:  Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023