The table below lists the motion commands and their cursor destination when a repeat has not been specified. Commands prefixed with <n> interpret a repeat count, but all commands accept them.
Ex commands operate on whole lines of text. By default they operate on dot, the line of the cursor. Most commands can be prefixed with an address expression. And many of those commands accept a range expression to instead operate an multiple range. A range is specified as two addresses, separated by a comma or semicolon. The semicolon causes the second address to be interpreted relative to the first address, instead of to the start of the file. An address is one or more (optionally whitespace separated) components, evaluated after each other, starting with the current cursor:
Supported commands:
Commands zz, zt, and zb, for scrolling the window to place the cursor at the middle, top and bottom of the window.
Other implementations treat some motion commands differently based on the command they are executed with, e.g. cw is actually interpreted as ``delete to end of word'', i.e. more like ce. Vixen always interprets motion commands in one single way.
Key mappings for commands, through ex' :map command is not supported, :ab for abbreviations in insert mode is not supported either.
Vixen does not have a full ex mode, where consecutive commands are interpreted as ex commands. Commands to print multiple lines of text have not been implemented.
The full command names of ex commands are not supported. E.g. only :q is supported, not :quit.
Some featurse that likely won't be supported:
• Multiple editing windows within on instance of
• Text folding (hiding parts of the text).
• Visual block mode, where any rectangular block of text (over multiple lines) can be selected.
• Spell checking, text completion.
• Editing non-utf-8 (e.g. binary) files.
Vixen will not implement all commands and features found in the various vi clones, or the original vi. The behaviour of some commands may be different, that could be a bug. Vixen also has features that the vi clones and the original vi do not have, such as plumbing.
Entire file is kept in memory twice: in vixen and in Tk.
VIXEN(1 ) | Rev: Thu Jul 20 06:12:04 GMT 2023 |