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venti/read, venti/write, venti/sync, venti/ping, venti/get, venti/put, venti/copy, venti/stream, venti/parse - venti utilities


venti/read [ -d ] [ -a addr ] type score
venti/write [ -d ] [ -a addr ] [ -t type ]
venti/sync [ -d ] [ -a addr ]
venti/ping [ -d ] [ -a addr ] [ -n count ]
venti/put [ -dr ] [ -a addr ] [ -b blocksize ]
venti/get [ -d ] [ -a addr ] [entry:]score
venti/copy [ -df ] srcaddr dstaddr [tag:]score
venti/stream [ -dOtv ] srcaddr dstaddr [tag:]score
venti/parse [ type ]


Venti/read reads the block score/type from venti and writes it to standard output.

Venti/write reads data from standard input and writes it as a single block to venti. The type is 13 (for data) by default, but can be changed with -t.

Venti/sync sends a sync messages to a venti server. When it returns, the venti server has flushed its data to stable storage.

Venti/ping pings a venti server. Option -n sets the number of ping messages to send. The round trip time for each message is printed.

Venti/put reads data from standard input and writes it to venti as a hash tree, thus large amounts of data can be written. When done, the score of the resulting venti entry is printed.

Venti/get reads the data from the venti entry referenced by score and writes it to standard output.

Venti/copy copies the file tree referenced by tag:score from srcaddr to dstaddr. Tag can be either vac or entry.

Venti/stream is like venti/copy, but keeps up to 256 outstanding requests to srcaddr and dstaddr to get reasonable throughput on high-latency connections.

Venti/parse parses and prints the data structure it reads from standard input. Type is one of: root,entry,entries,direntry,metablock,metablocks,pointers,rpointers. For the types root, entry and entries the command to descend further down the tree is printed. If the type is missing it is guessed based on its contents.

The options:

Print debug messages.
Only copy score that dstaddr does not yet have. When a score is present, all scores it references are assumed to be present as well. Only for venti/copy.
-a address
Dial address instead of the default venti server. All tools dial the ndb name $venti by default. Venti/read and venti/write will instead use environment variable $venti if it is set.
-b blocksize
Use blocks with blocksize bytes instead of the default 8192 byte blocks. Only for venti/put.
-n count
Send count pings to the venti server. The default is three. When set to zero, venti/ping pings until interrupted.
Do not recursively copy the `previous root score' found in vac root scores. Only for venti/stream.
Print traces of venti messages. Only for venti/stream.
Be verbose. Only for venti/stream, a single -v prints two lines with statistics when finished. Another -v also prints statistics about the types of data blocks that were copied.




vcache(1), venti(2), vacfs(4), ventisrv(8)

VENTI(1 ) Rev:  Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023