Widget properties may be modified using the config window and widget commands called from the command window.
Data Menu
Position and Formatting Menu
New Menu
Clicking on 'New' will bring up the pack menu, here you can set packing to down or right. This is used when a new widget is created. If the user has not selected an empty cell, the new widget will be placed either below or to the right of the currently selected widget. Clicking on '>>' will scroll the buttons within the menu to the left to allow access to those that might be off screen.
There are two template buttons at the bottom of the config window, set as default and save as default. Set will cause each new widget of the same type to be created with the same options as the currently selected widget. This default will not be remembered once tktester has been closed. Save does the same as set except the default is saved so it will be not be lost if tktester is closed.
Default Template Options
By default, each widget with a -text option is set to {%t %i} e.g. button 2. Note: These options only work with default templates, setting the -text option of a specific button to {%t %i} will just cause '%t %i' to be displayed.
The command window is split into two listboxes and one entry box. The first listbox contains all the main commands available for the current widget type. Selecting a command will bring up a list of subcommands (if they exist) in the second listbox as well as displaying any arguments required above the entrybox. To run a command, first select the command (and any subcommand), then enter the required arguments into the entry box and click run. The command, as well as any output, is sent to the output box on the main window. If no output is returned, the output box will display 'ok'.
with the fields separated by tabs or spaces. For example:
In a saved file, any grid commands must put -row and -column options before -rowspan or -columnspan.
Tktester can crash when loading a file if it is not in the correct format.
TKTESTER(1 ) | Rev: Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023 |