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tk, chan, send, recv, alt - loadable tk module for sh.


load tk chan name...
send chan value
tk window title [ args... ]
tk winctl winid cmd
tk wintitle winid title
tk namechan chan [ name ]
tk del name
tk winid tkcmd
${tk window title [ args... ] }
${tk onscreen winid [ how ] }
${tk winid tkcmd }
${recv chan }
${alt chan ... }


Tk is a loadable module for sh(1) that provides access to Inferno Tk graphics and string channels. Most of the builtin commands that it defines map closely to primitives within wmlib(2) and tk(2). Unless otherwise stated, if a command requires a winid argument, if no window with that id is found, a bad win exception is raised. Similarly, a reference to an unknown channel name will raise a bad chan exception. There is no requirement that this module be used in a windowing context: although window creation will fail if there is no context, the channel communication primitives will work regardless.

For each name in turn, chan creates a new channel called name within the tk module. Name henceforth represents a Limbo chan of string and can be used to send string values between sh processes running in parallel. A chan is also used to receive events arriving from the window manager. It is illegal to create a channel whose name consists entirely of numeric digits.
Send sends its argument value down the channel chan, blocking until a corresponding receive operation takes place on the channel.
tk window
Tk window creates a new top-level window with the text of title in the titlebar at the top. Each window created by the tk module is assigned a unique numeric id. This id is printed by this command; to get access to the value of the winid in a script, use ${tk window}. All the remaining arguments are joined together by spaces and passed as the tk options for the window. When a window is created, a corresponding channel of the same name is created. Events from the window manager arrive on this channel, and should be responded to appropriately using tk winctl.
tk onscreen
Tk onscreen must be called to make window winid visible for the first time, the same as onscreen in tkclient(2). How is the same as for that call - if given, it must be one of place, onscreen or exact. TP tk winctl Tk winctl is used to communicate requests to the window manager. (see winctl() in wmlib(2)). If an event arriving on a window's channel is passed to tk winctl, a suitable default action will take place. The set of possible actions include:
A request to close the window.
A request to resize the window.
A request to miniaturise the window.
A request to move the window.
tk wintitle
Tk wintitle changes the title of the window winid to title.
tk del
Tk del deletes a channel or a window. If name is the winid of an existing window, then both the window and its associated channel are destroyed. A del of a non-existent channel or window is ignored.
tk namechan
Tk namechan invokes the Tk module's namechan() function to give a tk name to a channel within the tk module. If name is omitted, then the tk name given will be the same as chan.
tk winid
If winid is the id of an existing window, the rest of the arguments joined together by spaces and sent as a tk command to be interpreted in that window. If the shell is in interactive mode, then the string returned by tk will be printed. The exit status of tk is false if the string returned by tk begins with a bang (!) character.
${tk window}
Tk window is the same as its command counterpart, except that it yields the winid of the newly created window rather than printing it.
${tk winid}
This command is the same as its command counterpart, except that it yields the return value from the Tk command as its result.
Recv receives a string value from chan and yields that value. It will block until a corresponding send operation takes place on the channel.
Alt waits until a value is available on any of the named chans. It yields a list containing two elements, the name of the channel from which the value was received, and the actual value received.


The following code creates a window and allows normal window manager operations on it. Another shell in a new process group is created in order to prevent the shell window from disappearing when the tk window is deleted.

load std tk
pctl newpgrp
wid=${tk window 'My window'}
tk onscreen $wid
tk $wid update
while {} {tk winctl $wid ${recv $wid}} &




sh(1), sh-std(1), sh-expr(1), tkcmd(1), tk(2), tkclient(2), wmlib(2), ``The Tk Reference Manual''

SH-TK(1 ) Rev:  Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023