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scgid - server handling scgi requests


scgid [ -dv ] [ -n nthreads ] file


Scgid is a program serving scgi requests (as issued by web servers) on tcp connections. Multiple tcp addresses can be specified in file, the configuration file. For each address, a program to handle the requests must be specified. At startup, all addresses are announced to. On the first use of a connection/program, its module (dis code) is loaded. Programs must adhere to the same module declaration as shell commands.

Print debugging output.
Be verbose, this prints exceptions when thrown, and timing statistics.
-n nthreads
Set the number of threads to keep around.

Config file
File is the config file. Leading whitespace of lines is stripped. Empty lines are ignored, as are lines starting with a ``#''. Lines contain at least two fields: addr and modpath. The other tokens are passed to the program as arguments. Addr is the address scgid will listen on. Modpath should be a normal dis program. A single module instance is used for all requests, so a module should not keep state. Function init is called to handle a requests, just as the shell does for any other program. Typically, init checks if modules have been loaded yet and does so if not. This prevents reloading modules for each request. Scgid checks whether modules have changed before using them. If they have, they are loaded anew. This allows for easy testing of a module without having to restart the scgid all the time, while not having to reload the module all the time. Note that library modules used by the called program will also not be updated.


To let scgid serve the program testscgi on localhost, port 4006:
	; cat doc/scgid.conf 
	# sample scgid.conf
	net!localhost!4006 /dis/testscgi.dis testscgi
	; scgid scgid.conf



SCGID(1 ) Rev:  Thu Jul 20 06:12:04 GMT 2023