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limbo - Limbo compiler


limbo [ option ... ] [ file ... ]


Limbo compiles the named Limbo files into machine-independent object files for the Dis virtual machine. Depending on the options, the compiler may create output files or write information to its standard output. Conventional files and their extensions include the following.

Limbo source file.
Object code for the Dis virtual machine.
Limbo source file for module declarations.
Assembly code.
Symbolic debugging information.

With no options, limbo produces a .dis file for each source file.

The compiler options are:

Print on standard output type definitions and call frames useful for writing C language implementations of Limbo modules. Suppresses normal output file generation.
Mark the Dis object file to prevent run-time compilation.
Mark the Dis object file to guarantee run-time compilation.
-D flags
Turn on debugging flags. Flags include A for arrays, a for alt statements, b for booleans, C for case body statements, c for case statements, D for use descriptors, d for declarations, e for expressions, E for extended expressions, F for function information, f for constant folding, m for modules, n for nil references, P for program counter manipulations, r for reference types, S for type signatures, s for a code generation summary, T for tuples, t for type checking, and v for variable initialization.
Increase the number of errors the compiler will report before exiting.
Annotate assembly language output with debugging information. A no-op unless -S is set.
Generate debugging information for the input files and place it in a file named by stripping any trailing .b from the input file name and appending .sbl.
Disable inlining of functions. Currently functions containing a single return statement or two return statements and an if clause are candidates for inlining.
-I dir
An include file whose name does not begin with slash is sought first relative to the working directory, regardless of the source file argument. If this fails, limbo sequences through directories named in -I options, then searches in /module. An include file contains Limbo source code, normally holding one or more module declarations.
-o obj
Place output in file obj (allowed only if there is a single input file). The output file will hold either object or assembly code, depending on -S. Default is to take the last element of the input file name, strip any trailing .b, and append .dis for object code and .s for assembly code. Thus, the default output file for dir/mod.b would be mod.dis.
Create assembly language output instead of object code.
-T module
Print on standard output C stub functions, useful for implementing Limbo modules in the C language for linkage with the interpreter.
-t module
Print on standard output a table of runtime functions, to link C language implementations of modules with the Limbo interpreter. Suppresses normal output file generation.
Print warning messages about unused variables, etc. More w's (e.g., -ww) increase the pedantry of the checking.


directory for Limbo include modules


compiler source in Limbo
compiler source in C for host


asm(1), emu(1), mk(10.1), intro(2), sys-intro(2), tk(2)

``The Limbo Programming Language''
``Program Development in Inferno''
``A Descent into Limbo''
in Volume 2.

LIMBO(1E ) Rev:  Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023