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cp, fcp - copy files


cp [ -gux ] fromfile tofile
cp [ -gux ] fromfile ... todir
cp -r [ -gux ] fromdir ... todir

fcp [ -R nr ] [ -W nw ] fromfile tofile
fcp [ -R nr ] [ -W nw ] fromfile ... todir
fcp -r [ -R nr ] [ -W nw ] fromdir ... todir


In the first form, fromfile is any name and tofile is any name except an existing directory. In the second form, the commands copy one or more fromfiles into dir under their original file names, as if by a sequence of commands in the first form. For example:

cp f1 f2 dir

is equivalent to:

cp f1 dir/f1; cp f2 dir/f2

Cp copies the contents of plain (non-directory) file fromfile to tofile. The mode and owner of tofile are preserved if it already exists; the permissions of fromfile is used otherwise. The -x option sets the full mode and modified time of file2 from file1; -g sets the group id; and -u sets the group id and user id (which is usually only possible if the file server is in an administrative mode).

The -r option directs cp to copy recursively the named directories fromdir ... to the target directory todir.

Fcp behaves like cp, but copies many blocks in parallel. It works only with files that respect read and write offsets (see pread and pwrite in sys-read(2)), which usually excludes files representing devices or services. When it applies, however, it is often much faster than cp. The -R and -W options set the number of readers and writers (default for each: 8).




cat(1), mv(1), sys-stat(2)


Cp and fcp refuse to copy a file onto itself.

CP(1 ) Rev:  Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023