Burn initialises or verifies the contents of an Atmel ATmega128 AVR. The programming board must be connected to a serial port (see eia(3)), /dev/eia0 by default. File.srec is a file containing the desired flash contents in Motorola S-record format, as produced by ms2(10.1). By default, burn erases the AVR chip (both flash and EEPROM), then loads the flash with the contents of file.srec. The -e option stops burn from erasing first, allowing additional code or data to be loaded (but only into an already-erased region). If the -r option is given, burn instead compares the contents of the AVR with the data in file.srec. Burn supports the MIB510 programming board from Crossbow Technology Inc.
AVR(1 ) | Rev: Wed Feb 22 04:14:06 GMT 2023 |